A sustainability manager for the Town will not be hired just yet.
During Monday night’s 2020 budget talks, council decided it would be best to wait until new senior administration positions, like a new CAO, be established before the town considers this hire.
Councillor John Challinor explains why this needs to wait.
Councillor Kristina Tesser Derksen argues that the new CAO could adapt to this position
Acting CAO, Andrew Siltala, was asked for thoughts and a timeline on when we can see this role be filled.
He says there is a need for a new strategic plan to be established first.
Siltala’s timeline suggests that this role won’t be implemented until about 2021.
Council had voted unanimously during the summer to consider this position in the budget.
A recorded vote saw Councillors Tesser Derksen, Ali and Di Lorenzo opposed.