This long weekend is a time to give thanks, and give back.
Milton’s Salvation Army Khi Community is asking residents to donate what they can to help their fellow neighbours.
Speaking with the organization’s Director of Community and Family Services, Ruth Hickman, she says they’re expecting an increase in people needing help from the local food bank.
If you’d like to get involved, you can consider hosting a drive for food and funds with your business, friends or neighbourhood. Hickman says letting your co-workers, neighbours or friends know that you’ll be collecting non-perishable foods for the food bank is a great way to get started.
There’s a serious need for new, unopened, not expired canned and boxed goods. You can contact The Salvation Army Khi Community to arrange a time for you to drop off the collection.
If you’re looking to do more for the community, you can also make a one-time financial donation, or commit to monthly online donations. Stop by the food bank at 820 Nipissing Road in Milton to donate by cash, cheque or debit/credit. Charitable receipts will be provided for donations over $20 at your request.
For more information about our programs and how to help, click here.
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