The Region of Halton is reminding residents that the yard waste collection deadline is coming up.
Residents will be able to get their yard waste collected for the final time between Monday, December 12th and Friday, December 23rd. Yard waste is collected once every other week from late March to mid-December, on the same day as your garbage. If you’re unsure when your garbage day is, you can check the schedule here.
Some more tips for residents:
- Yard waste is for urban areas only
- Use only paper yard waste bags or open, labelled, reusable, rigid containers (no lid)
- Brush must be tied in bundles no larger than 2m x 1m (6ft x 3ft) wide, with branches a maximum of 7.5 cm (3 inches) in diameter.
- Place your Yard Waste at the curb by 7 a.m. the morning of your collection day, but no sooner than 5 p.m. the evening before.
You can find the Halton Waste Management Site at 5400 Regional Road 25 in Milton. Contact them at 905-825-6000 or by dialing 311.