Second dose booking has been bumped up yet again.
Starting on Monday, June 14th, the Halton Region says that those who received their first shot of the mRNA vaccine (Pfizer or Moderna) before May 10th will be eligible to book an earlier second dose appointment at a Halton Region COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic through Halton’s online booking system.
Halton Regional Chair Gary Carr says our communities are doing a good job at getting their shots done.
““We are pleased to be able to offer earlier second dose appointments to more residents, based our expected vaccine supply. We continue to make great progress and have already vaccinated over 71% of our 12+ community with the first dose. While we look forward to getting more residents vaccinated, our ability to open up more appointments remains dependent on supply from the Provincial and Federal governments. We have the capacity to significantly increase what we are doing now and are ready to vaccinate more people as we receive more vaccines.”
Halton Region Medical Officer of Health Dr. Hamidah Meghani adds that these second shots are a huge step towards reopening.
“As we enter Step 1 of the Province’s plan and continue moving forward, completing second doses as soon as possible is critical for gaining protection from COVID-19 and variants of concern. I encourage everyone to get their first and second doses and support others to get vaccinated. Every resident who gets vaccinated brings us closer to getting back to normal. It’s time to roll up our sleeves Halton!”
You can still book your appointment for your first dose if you have not yet received. All individuals who are 12 years of age and older who have not yet booked their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine are encouraged to do so as soon as possible.
Residents can also continue to get their first or second doses at:
- seven Halton Vaccination Clinics in all Halton municipalities;
- almost 100 pharmacy locations in Halton; or
- select Primary Care Offices offering COVID-19 vaccines to community members.