It’s taken a while to get off the ground but COVID-19 vaccines are returning to Milton.
After being announced in December to be coming to Halton, the COVID-19 vaccine has been sparse around our parts. The Halton Region says that four municipal clinics have been announced for priority populations in preparation for more vaccine supply. These will be opened once the federal government has secured more vaccine supplies.
Halton Regional Chair Gary Carr says it’s taken a lot of work to get to this point.
“Halton Region staff have been working tirelessly to ensure we are prepared to vaccinate our residents, starting first with our most vulnerable populations. Like other regions, our ability to get these sites operational is dependent on supply from the Federal Government. These clinics are in addition to our mobile teams vaccinating residents in long-term care and retirement homes, Halton Healthcare’s clinic for healthcare workers and our ongoing preparations to eventually provide vaccine to the rest of our community. I cannot thank our Public Health, Paramedic Services, Hospital teams and staff working behind the scenes enough for their dedication to get us ready.”
Clinics are located in each municipality and have been selected based on the ability to maintain health and safety measures, accessibility and amenities.
- Gellert Community Centre, 10241 Eighth Line, Georgetown
- St. Volodymyr Cultural Centre, 1280 Dundas Street West, Oakville
- Compass Point Bible Church, 1500 Kerns Road, Burlington
- Milton Centre for the Arts, 1010 Main Street East, Milton
The Halton Region says these are initial locations. Other clinics may be identified as required.
Halton Region’s Medical Officer of Health Dr. Hamidah Meghani says this is the next big step towards immunity.
“The preparation of these clinics is an important milestone in our work to vaccinate those most at risk of becoming very sick with COVID-19. I encourage everyone to get the vaccine when it is your turn, and in the meantime, prepare yourself and your family by reviewing credible information on the vaccines on”