Meet the new Chief of the Milton Fire Department.
Peter Gatto joined the Town of Milton after 30-plus years with Brampton’s Fire Department.
He’s excited for the new adventure.
As an active person, Gatto entered the industry looking for a career that would keep him moving and provide a sense of duty. He says he enjoys the feeling of being able to save and impact the lives of people on a regular basis.
With his whole career being in Brampton, Gatto saw the city grow from 150,000 people to the hub that it is today. He feels the Brampton that he joined 30-plus years ago very closely resembles the Milton of 2020.
The new Chief talks about why Milton was a go-to place for him.
A big part of Gatto’s tenure will be focused on public education.
He says he wants to make sure residents know everything they can about fire safety.
You can familiarize yourself with the Milton Fire Department by checking out the Town’s web page for the MFD. To do so, click here.