The Town of Milton’s Mobility Hub Study is now complete.
The Study features feedback and recommendations on how the downtown core should be designed moving forward.
It focuses on the area within a roughly 10-minute walk from the Milton GO Station.
The Senior Policy Planner with the Town of Milton, David Twigg, talks about what the recommendations were focused around.
Audio PlayerHe adds that a lot of the feedback that they received included adding more greenery to the downtown area.
Milton residents wanted to see things like pocket parks scattered throughout the area.
Twigg was pleased with the experience of hearing from residents.
Audio PlayerPeople really wanted the view of the escarpment to remain intact.
Twigg says the feedback really stressed limiting the heights of surrounding buildings in the downtown area.
With Milton set to grow rapidly over the next two to three decades, Twigg says there is flexibility in the Study.
Audio PlayerThe area around the Milton GO Station was chosen for the Study due to the need for growth within the town.
Milton is set to grow extensively under orders from the provincial government. The GO Station area was deemed as underutilized and is quickly changing.
“Milton’s downtown core is already transforming with several high-density residential developments built, under construction, approved or in planning stages,” said Barb Koopmans, Commissioner, Development Services. “The Study recommends a framework that will ensure development is coordinated to create a neighbourhood that is focused on moving people in different ways.”
The Study will now be brought in front of Town Council on Monday, August 24th.
Town staff will be seeking direction to prepare a Policy Directions Report for Council’s consideration.
If you’re interested, you can read the full report here.